ࡱ> 24+,-./01;  bjbj%% GdGdvtJJ   $'!'!'!"D;$'!_`',%2(M2M2M24 :R<޸$u 2=j4"42=2=M2M2>>>2=RRM2 M2޸>2=޸>>b $"zM2ʙ=R.Vʸ/0_e=ezzPe ʲ2=2=>2=2=2=2=2=|>@2=2=2=_2=2=2=2=e2=2=2=2=2=2=2=2=2=J U: Fontana USD BTSA Program General Education and Education Specialist 2017-2018California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) Self-Assessment Current Competency Levels and Growth Over Time prepared for theƵby the  June 2018 Table of Contents  TOC \o "1-4" \h \z  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706358" 1.1 introduction  PAGEREF _Toc515706358 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706359" 1.1.1 Overview  PAGEREF _Toc515706359 \h 4  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706360" 1.1.2 Methodology  PAGEREF _Toc515706360 \h 5  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706361" 1.2 demographics  PAGEREF _Toc515706361 \h 6  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706362" 1.3 GENERAL EDUCATION  PAGEREF _Toc515706362 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706363" 1.3.1 Year One  PAGEREF _Toc515706363 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706364" Current Level of Competence in Elements Year One  PAGEREF _Toc515706364 \h 7  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706365" Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 1..  PAGEREF _Toc515706365 \h 8  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706366" Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 1  PAGEREF _Toc515706366 \h 10  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706367" Year Two & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706367 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706368" Current Level of Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706368 \h 11  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706369" Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706369 \h 12  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706370" Comparisons of Growth over Induction Period in Elements Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706370 \h 14  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706371" Rank Order of Perceived Level of Growth over Time in Elements Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706371 \h 16  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706372" Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706372 \h 18  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706373" Holistic CSTP Growth over Time Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706373 \h 19  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706374" Extent analysis was completed considering evidence and with mentor  PAGEREF _Toc515706374 \h 20  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706375" 1.3.2 General Education Conclusions  PAGEREF _Toc515706375 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706376" Elements Current Competence  PAGEREF _Toc515706376 \h 21  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706377" Elements Growth over Time  PAGEREF _Toc515706377 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706378" Holistic Current Competence  PAGEREF _Toc515706378 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706379" Holistic Growth over Time  PAGEREF _Toc515706379 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706380" Extent All Teachers Completed Ratings Considering Evidence and with Mentor.  PAGEREF _Toc515706380 \h 22  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706381" 1.4 education specialist  PAGEREF _Toc515706381 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706382" 1.4.1 Year One  PAGEREF _Toc515706382 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706383" Current Level of Competence in Elements Year One  PAGEREF _Toc515706383 \h 24  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706384" Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 1..  PAGEREF _Toc515706384 \h 25  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706385" Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 1  PAGEREF _Toc515706385 \h 26  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706386" 1.4.2 Year Two & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706386 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706387" Current Level of Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706387 \h 27  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706388" Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO.  PAGEREF _Toc515706388 \h 28  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706389" Comparisons of Growth over Induction Period in Elements Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706389 \h 30  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706390" Rank Order of Perceived Level of Growth over Time in Elements Year 2 & ECO.  PAGEREF _Toc515706390 \h 31  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706391" Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706391 \h 33  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706392" Holistic CSTP Growth over Time Year 2 & ECO  PAGEREF _Toc515706392 \h 34  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706393" Extent Examined Evidence and Worked with Mentor to Mark CSTP Self-Assessment  PAGEREF _Toc515706393 \h 35  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706394" 1.4.3 Education Specialist Conclusions  PAGEREF _Toc515706394 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706395" Elements Current Competence  PAGEREF _Toc515706395 \h 36  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706396" Elements Growth over Time  PAGEREF _Toc515706396 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706397" Holistic Current Competence  PAGEREF _Toc515706397 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706398" Holistic Growth over Time  PAGEREF _Toc515706398 \h 37  HYPERLINK \l "_Toc515706399" Extent All Teachers Completed Ratings Considering Evidence and with Mentor.  PAGEREF _Toc515706399 \h 37  introduction Overview At the end of the 2017-2018 academic year, Sinclair Research Group collected data in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) from the Fontana USD BTSA Program teacher candidates. Data for first and second year (and ECO) teachers candidates included their current level of competency in the Elements and their holistic competency. In addition, data was collected from second year and ECO teachers regarding their growth over their two years in Induction. This data was collected from both General Education teacher candidates and Education Specialist teacher candidates and used, as the data source, the reflectively marked levels in the Continuum of Teaching Practice (CTP). This tool is used as a reference point throughout the induction period and reflective conversations around all activities end with a shared discussion (mentor and candidate) regarding where the candidate places themselves at that moment in time. Hence, it is a very authentic data set. The CTP is a tool for self-reflection, goal setting, and inquiry into practice. It provides common language about teaching and learning, and results are used to promote professional growth within an environment of collegial support. Self-assessment, using authentic classroom practice and evidence, supports teacher candidates in making informed decisions about their ongoing development as professionals. Program leaders use teacher candidate assessment data to guide, support and accelerate professional growth focused on student achievement. The CTP is organized to describe five levels of development (Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating and Innovating). Each level addresses what a teacher should know and be able to do in all the Elements (38) of the six CSTP. The levels do not represent a chronological sequence in a teachers growth but describe developmental levels of performance. The levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated and integrate the skills of previous levels. Teacher candidates reflect and describe practice in terms of evidence prior to self-assessing in order to make valid, authentic and accurate assessments. The process of assessing on the CTP is completed collaboratively making the process more authentic. Teacher candidates begin by reading the Element and together, with their mentor, examine evidence of practice related to that Element. They record evidence for each Element, and then, use that evidence to determine the level of practice. This data collection simply requires the recording of previous thoughtful work. When data flows from a highly reflective and evidence-based context, analysis results have a far greater chance of being highly reliable and reflecting the true level of teacher candidate practice. To ascertain the validity of this process, all candidates were asked to state the degree to which their mentor worked with them to consider evidence of classroom practice and assist them in responding to the CSTP Self-Assessment (thereby ensuring authentic responses). Methodology The researchers sought, through the analysis of the data, to identify in which of the six standards encompassed within the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (and the Elements within each standard) there is more or less knowledge and skill. The five levels become a Likert type scale (Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, and Innovating) with descriptions of what that level of practice looks like. This methodology lends itself to the development of frequencies, mean, median, mode, standard deviation and rank ordering. It should be noted that respondents did not have to mark every Element; only the Elements that they addressed with their mentor and work together toward improving. Therefore, the N changes from Element to Element. No results are shown where there are not at least four respondents. First presented in this study are the results for the perceptions of the current competence of first year teachers (both by Element and holistically). Then results are shown for exiting second year teacher candidates (and Early Completion Option teacher candidates) regarding their current levels of competence as they leave the program and their perceived growth over time. This was done by comparing where they first marked themselves in any Element of the CSTP and where they last marked their exiting competence. It is important when completing a perceptual survey that, as much as possible, results are based on authentic evidence. In this case, the researchers asked teacher candidates to work with their mentor using their CTP and other evidence of teaching practice to respond to this survey. The report ends with an examination of the likelihood that this type of authentic examination of evidence and shared reflection took place. The researchers hope that this gives some indication of the reliability and validity of the results. demographics The following table shows the total number of stakeholder responses from both General Education and Education Specialists. In collecting the data, this program has made every attempt to ascertain that the data entered in the response is reliable and valid (based on evidence and shared reflection). The final test is the rate of response in this population study. The closer the response rate is to 100% response of program participants, the more reliable the results (minimum 80%). GENERAL EDUCATIONYear 139Year 237ECO1Both Gen Ed and Ed Spec3EDUCATION SPECIALISTYear 19Year 215ECO0Both Gen Ed and Ed Spec3OVERALL RESONSESTable 1 GENERAL EDUCATION Year One In the following section, the same analysis is shown for all Year One General Education teacher candidates. Current Level of Competence in Elements Year One  Figure 1 Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 1 General Education Current CompetenceElementsMeanStd DevCSTP 6.14.400.70CSTP 6.74.330.71CSTP 1.13.920.86CSTP 2.53.920.67CSTP 6.33.910.70CSTP 6.23.900.88CSTP 2.23.830.83CSTP 3.43.831.03CSTP 3.53.800.92CSTP 2.73.790.89CSTP 3.33.780.83CSTP 5.43.750.75CSTP 2.13.730.96CSTP 5.13.730.65CSTP 1.33.710.99CSTP 2.63.710.91CSTP 2.43.690.85CSTP 5.63.670.89CSTP2.33.640.84CSTP 1.23.560.92CSTP 5.73.550.69CSTP 1.53.530.94CSTP 1.43.530.96CSTP 1.63.530.77CSTP 5.23.501.00CSTP 5.33.460.88CSTP 3.23.450.69CSTP 4.53.440.89CSTP 3.63.400.70CSTP 4.43.380.97CSTP 5.53.331.15CSTP 6.52.800.92Table 2 Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 1  Figure 2 Year Two & ECO Current Level of Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO BTSA program evaluation is a valuable research tool that enables administrators to formulate the means by which they are more efficiently able to target and serve the needs of teacher candidates. Figure 1 represents an analysis of the level at which General Education teacher candidates exiting this induction program placed their competence in each CSTP Element (in the sequence in which the elements are presented). It should be noted that these competence ratings are based on evidence of classroom practice and shared conversations with the support provider over the Continuum of Teaching Practice.  Figure 3 Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO The following table shows the level of current competence at which these teachers believe they are as they exit the program (from highest to lowest rating). General Education Current CompetenceMeanStd DevCSTP 6.73.880.99CSTP 6.13.801.03CSTP 6.33.781.20CSTP 2.53.770.93CSTP 6.23.750.89CSTP 1.13.640.63CSTP 3.13.640.50CSTP 2.23.620.77CSTP 5.43.600.99CSTP 1.33.550.69CSTP 1.23.541.05CSTP 2.33.530.83CSTP 3.43.530.77CSTP 1.63.500.52CSTP 4.43.500.89CSTP 2.43.470.94CSTP 2.63.471.01CSTP 2.73.470.92CSTP 1.43.430.85CSTP 1.53.420.90CSTP 3.53.380.96CSTP 2.13.360.84CSTP 3.33.360.74CSTP 4.33.360.93CSTP 4.53.330.98CSTP 6.52.631.19Table 3 Comparisons of Growth over Induction Period in Elements Year 2 & ECO This section discusses the level of growth during the Induction period for these exiting second year and ECO General Education teachers. The results reflect the first time they marked themselves in any Element to the last time they marked themselves in any Element. The time frame for this varies over the two years but confirms change during the Induction period. It should be noted that these levels of assessed results were not developed in a vacuum but based on evidence of classroom practice collected by the support provider and the participating teacher and conversations around the Continuum of Teaching Practice, thus better ensuring reliable results. Also charted is the change in the standard deviation; whether the standard deviation was larger or smaller when compared with the baseline survey. A standard deviation above 0 indicates less agreement among teachers in their ratings; a standard deviation below 0 indicates increased agreement among respondents.  Figure 4 Rank Order of Perceived Level of Growth over Time in Elements Year 2 & ECO The table that begins below shows the levels that these exiting teachers believe that they have changed over their time in Induction (from most change to least change). General Education Change Over TimeMean (change)Std Dev (change)CSTP 3.51.390.07CSTP 3.41.32-0.06CSTP 2.21.29-0.12CSTP 2.31.24-0.07CSTP 1.11.23-0.29CSTP 1.61.20-0.49CSTP 6.21.20-0.30CSTP 3.11.18-0.65CSTP 6.31.17-0.02CSTP 2.51.16-0.15CSTP 4.21.15-0.21CSTP 1.41.13-0.11CSTP 2.71.10-0.16CSTP 1.21.09-0.06CSTP 4.41.07-0.07CSTP 3.31.05-0.13CSTP 2.41.04-0.19CSTP 5.11.04-0.11CSTP 6.71.03-0.49CSTP 1.30.99-0.45CSTP 2.10.97-0.21CSTP 5.40.94-0.05CSTP 3.20.94-0.41CSTP 1.50.94-0.18CSTP 3.60.93-0.20CSTP 4.10.89-0.37CSTP 5.70.850.18CSTP 2.60.82-0.20CSTP 5.30.810.10CSTP 5.50.710.32CSTP 5.20.710.04CSTP 6.60.700.06CSTP 5.60.64-0.08CSTP 6.50.57-0.01CSTP 6.40.55-0.07Table 4 Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 2 & ECO This group of exiting second year teachers was also asked to examine their competence (and growth over time). The following two figures show those results.  Figure 5 Holistic CSTP Growth over Time Year 2 & ECO  Figure 6 Extent analysis was completed considering evidence and with mentor In order to assess the level of depth of reliability of the results and the level of reflection to which teacher candidates and their mentors are sharing in examining evidence together and responding to this self-assessment, teacher candidates were asked to state the degree to which they to which their mentor worked with them and together they took into consideration evidence of their classroom practice to come up with the CSTP Self-Assessment placements? Responses were: 4- Looked at recorded evidence of where I first placed myself and then worked with my mentor to examine evidence andagree on finalplacement; 3-Didn't userecorded evidence of where I first place myself, but examined classroompractice and then worked with my mentor to agree on pre/post placement; 2-Talked to my mentor, thought about it, and together agreed on pre/post levels; 1- Did not work with my mentor to fill this out, but completed this on my own based on my own instincts. Results are shown in the chart that follows.  Figure 7 General Education Conclusions Elements Current Competence Year One: At the end of this academic year, first year teacher candidates generally believed they were at the Applying level in most Elements. Four Elements moved into the Integrating level (4) and just one was at the Exploring level (2). The highest rated Elements were: CSTP 6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learningCSTP 6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conductCSTP 6.6 Managing professional responsibilities to maintain motivation and commitment to all studentsCSTP 3.1 Demonstrating knowledge of subject matter, academic content standards, and curriculum frameworks The one lowest Element was CSTP 6.5 Engaging local communities in support of the instructional program. They marked themselves somewhat similarly in the Elements of the CSTP, as indicated by generally normal standard deviations; just five questions were slightly above 1.0. However, this is not surprising for a small group (N=39). Year Two and ECO: As they exited the program, Year 2 General Education teacher candidates in their second year (and ECO) generally, they believed they were at the Applying (3) level (in all Elements but one). The areas where they believed they were most competent were: CSTP 6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conductCSTP 6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learningCSTP 6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student learningCSTP 2.5 Developing, communicating, and maintaining high standards for individual and group behavior The one Element that fell into the Emerging level was 6.5 They marked themselves somewhat similarly in the Elements of the CSTP, though the spread was slightly wider than for first year candidates (eight of the 38 standard deviations were above 1.0). Elements Growth over Time Year Two and ECO: When change over the induction period is examined, these exiting second year and ECO teachers believed they had grown an average of one full level with a range of .55-1.39) The Elements where evidence points to the most growth (above 1.25) were: CSTP 3.5 Using instructional materials, resources, and technologies to make subject matter accessible to all studentsCSTP 3.4 Utilizing instructional strategies that are appropriate to the subject matterCSTP 4.5 Modifying and adapting instructional plans to meet the diverse learning needs of all studentsCSTP 2.2 Creating physical or virtual learning environments that promote student learning, reflect diversity, and encourage constructive and productive interactions among studentsCSTP 4.3 Developing and sequencing long-term and short-term instructional plans to support student learning Holistic Current Competence Year One: When examined from the Holistic level, these first-year teacher candidates affirm that they are in the Applying level (3) in all areas. Their highest area is CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator (3.38). This is closely followed by CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning (3.33). All standard deviations were within the normal range. Year Two and ECO: These exiting second year and ECO teachers rate themselves in the Applying level, but higher than Year 1 candidates. CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning was rated highest at 3.81, nearly half a level higher than Year 1 candidates. This was closely following by CSTP 1: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning and CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator (both at 3.76). The lowest growth was in CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning (1.27). Standard deviations were within the normal range. Holistic Growth over Time Year Two and ECO: When examined from the Holistic level, these exiting second year and ECO teachers believe they have grown well over a full level in all six CSTP. The most change over time came in CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning and (1.32). Standard deviations were normal. Extent All Teachers Completed Ratings Considering Evidence and with Mentor There was strong agreement (3.87 out of 4) among General Education teacher candidates that they had examined the recorded evidence of where they first placed themselves and then worked with their mentor to agree on the final placement on the CSTP Self-Assessment. This leads us to believe that from the responding population, there was sufficient reflection on shared evidence. It is likely that results are reliable and valid. education specialist Year One In the following section, the same analysis is shown for all Year One General Education teacher candidates. Current Level of Competence in Elements Year One  Figure 8 Note that while there were nine responding candidates in their first year, they did not have to address each element; only the Elements on which they had worked during this first year. Therefore, there are some Elements that are missing as they did not have the minimum of four respondents. Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 1 Education Specialist Yr 1 Current CompetenceMeanStd DevCSTP 2.32.830.98CSTP 2.12.600.89CSTP 2.72.601.52CSTP 1.22.501.00CSTP 3.62.501.00CSTP 2.52.401.34CSTP 2.41.801.10CSTP 4.51.601.34Table 5 Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 1  Figure 9 Year Two & ECO Current Level of Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO The following section completes the same analysis as was completed for General Education teacher candidates. All charts and tables are labeled.  Figure 10 Rank Order of Perceived Level of Current Competence in Elements Year 2 & ECO Education Specialist Yr 2 & ECO Current CompetenceMeanStd DevCSTP 4.23.920.79CSTP 4.53.920.67CSTP 1.33.880.83CSTP 2.13.860.69CSTP 2.43.860.69CSTP 2.53.860.69CSTP 5.33.860.90CSTP 5.43.860.69CSTP 4.33.830.72CSTP 6.63.800.45CSTP 3.43.670.52CSTP 4.13.671.07CSTP 1.13.630.52CSTP 1.63.630.52CSTP 2.23.571.27CSTP 5.23.571.27CSTP 5.53.570.79CSTP 3.13.501.22CSTP 3.33.500.55CSTP 3.53.501.38CSTP 3.63.501.22CSTP 6.43.400.55CSTP 6.53.400.55CSTP 1.23.381.19CSTP 1.43.380.52CSTP 3.23.331.21CSTP 6 Comparisons of Growth over Induction Period in Elements Year 2 & ECO  Figure 11 Rank Order of Perceived Level of Growth over Time in Elements Year 2 & ECO Education Specialist Year 2 & ECO Change over TimeMean (change)Std Dev (change)CSTP 6.32.08-0.52CSTP 1.31.84-0.35CSTP 4.41.84-0.39CSTP 2.31.71-0.78CSTP 2.11.69-0.56CSTP 2.51.69-0.56CSTP 3.41.64-0.60CSTP 1.21.630.14CSTP 4.21.62-0.28CSTP 2.41.60-0.42CSTP 6.21.55-1.30CSTP 6.61.55-0.72CSTP 4.31.54-0.35CSTP 2.21.530.14CSTP 4.51.53-0.37CSTP 3.51.480.34CSTP 6.71.44-1.10CSTP 2.61.41-0.57CSTP 2.71.41-0.57CSTP 3.61.390.15CSTP 1.11.34-0.45CSTP 6.41.33-0.57CSTP 6.51.33-0.57CSTP 3.21.310.10CSTP 3.11.300.13CSTP 3.31.30-0.55CSTP 1.41.27-0.48CSTP 1.61.24-0.54CSTP 6.11.19-1.05CSTP 5.51.16-0.19CSTP 5.40.93-0.16CSTP 5.10.910.18CSTP 5.70.840.15CSTP 5.60.760.00CSTP 5.20.750.28Table 7 Holistic CSTP Current Competence Year 2 & ECO  Figure 12 Holistic CSTP Growth over Time Year 2 & ECO  Figure 13 Extent Examined Evidence and Worked with Mentor to Mark CSTP Self-Assessment  Figure 14 Education Specialist Conclusions Elements Current Competence Year One: At the end of this academic year, Education Specialist first year teacher candidates generally believed they were at the Emerging (2) level. The one Element that reached the Applying (3) level was CSTP 2.6 Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn. Two Elements moved into the Emerging level (1): CSTP 2.4 Creating a rigorous learning environment with high expectations and appropriate support for all studentsCSTP 4.5 Modifying and adapting instructional plans to meet the diverse learning needs of all students They marked themselves somewhat similarly in the Elements of the CSTP, as indicated by generally normal standard deviations; just five questions were slightly above 1.0. However, this is not surprising for a small group (N=39). Year Two and ECO: As they exited the program, Education Specialist teacher candidates in their second year (and ECO) generally, they believed they were at least in the Applying (3) with approximately half of these ratings at the high end. There were eight Elements that reached the Integrating (4) level. They were (from highest to lowest): CSTP 6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student learningCSTP 4.4 Planning instruction that incorporates appropriate strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of all studentsCSTP 2.3 Establishing and maintaining learning environments that are physically, intellectually, and emotionally safeCSTP 2.6 Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learnCSTP 2.7 Using instructional time to optimize learningCSTP 6.1 Reflecting on teaching practice in support of student learningCSTP 6.2 Establishing professional goals and engaging in continuous and purposeful professional growth and developmentCSTP 6.7 Demonstrating professional responsibility, integrity, and ethical conductThere were no Elements that showed ratings below 3.0. Eleven standard deviations were slightly above the normal range. However, this is not unexpected with this small a group of respondents (N=15). Elements Growth over Time Year Two and ECO: When change over the induction period is examined, these exiting second year and ECO Education Specialist teacher candidates believed they had grown an average of one full level in all but three of the Elements (range .84-2.08). Sixteen Elements showed growth of at least 1 levels. The one Element which showed a full two levels of growth was CSTP 6.3 Collaborating with colleagues and the broader professional community to support teacher and student learning. Holistic Current Competence Year One: When examined from the Holistic level, these first-year teacher Education Specialist teacher candidates mark themselves somewhat higher than when results were broken down by Element. They report being between the Emerging (2.89) and the Applying level (3). The highest area was CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students (3.33), closely followed by CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning (3.33). All standard deviations were within the normal range. Year Two and ECO: These exiting second year and ECO Education Specialist teacher candidates rate generally themselves in the high Applying level. One rating was at the Integrating (4) level: CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning. Standard deviations were generally within the normal range. Holistic Growth over Time Year Two and ECO: When examined from the Holistic level, these exiting second year and ECO teachers believe they have grown at least a full level in all CSTP. The highest growth levels were report in CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning and CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator (1.13). Standard deviations showed that respondents marked themselves more similarly than they did in their current competence ratings. Extent All Teachers Completed Ratings Considering Evidence and with Mentor There was strong agreement (3.83 out of 4) among these Education Specialist teacher candidates that they had examined the recorded evidence of where they first placed themselves and then worked with their mentor to agree on the final placement on the CSTP Self-Assessment. This leads the researcher to believe that, from the responding population, there was sufficient reflection on shared evidence. It is likely that results are reliable and valid.     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